How Many Surah in Quran? A Quick Guide for Curious Minds

How Many Surah in Quran

Curious about the how many surah in Quran question? Alustadh Academy has your answer and much more!

Meaning of “surah” and its importance, First & last surah: significance revealed, Longest & shortest: facts and messages, Number of surah and required prostrations (sajdah).

This is just the tip of the iceberg!  Prepare to dive deeper into individual chapters, their themes, verses, and fascinating connections.

Join us on a bite-sized exploration of the Quran’s chapters, where we’ll uncover:

How Many Surah in Quran?

The Quran is comprised of 114 surahs, each offering unique insights and guidance. This number is significant and consistent across different editions and translations. Each chapter plays a role in conveying the Quran’s message, contributing to its overall coherence and beauty.

As you delve into these chapters, you may encounter verses marked with the symbol ۩, indicating a call for prostration, known as sajda. These 15 specific verses are scattered throughout the Quran, serving as powerful moments of submission and humility before Allah.

Performing sajda is not mandatory, but it is considered a highly recommended act of worship. It signifies complete surrender and devotion to Allah, expressing our gratitude, dependence, and awe in His presence. When encountering a verse marked for sajdah, Muslims typically pause their recitation, perform the prostration, and recite specific supplications in praise of Allah.

While this article provides a brief overview of sajda in the Quran, there’s much more to explore. To delve deeper into the specific verses requiring sajdah, their locations within the Quran, and the recommended supplications for each prostration, we encourage you to visit our dedicated article: How Many Sajda in Quran?

What is the Meaning of Surah in Quran?

Imagine diving into a treasure trove of knowledge and guidance. Each surah (chapter) in the Quran acts as a unique gem within this collection, holding its own themes, stories, and lessons. But what does “surah” truly mean?

It goes beyond a simple chapter division. Each surah possesses a distinct identity and purpose, contributing to the Quran’s overarching message. They vary in length and focus, offering narratives, commandments, and reflections on faith, morality, history, and more.

While not arranged chronologically, understanding the context of each surah’s revelation enhances its meaning. They addressed the specific needs of the early Muslim community, offering relevant guidance even today. Though distinct, Surah interweaves and builds upon each other, forming a unified tapestry of wisdom.

By navigating through distinct yet interconnected chapters, we unlock a deeper understanding of the Quran’s message and its application in our lives. Each surah holds the potential to connect with us on a personal level, guiding our actions and enriching our souls.

Let’s delve deeper into these individual chapters, embarking on a journey to uncover the true treasures they hold.

What is the First Surah in the Quran?

Marking the start of this divine revelation, Surah Al-Fatihah (The Opening) holds incredible significance as the first chapter is revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Though short in length with only seven verses, its impact is profound.

A Cornerstone of Prayer: Recited in every single prayer by Muslims worldwide, Al-Fatihah encapsulates the essence of Islamic belief. It praises Allah, proclaims His Lordship and Merciful nature, and seeks guidance on the straight path.

By understanding Al-Fatihah’s meaning and position as the first revealed chapter, we begin to unlock the rich tapestry of the Quran.

What is the last surah in the Quran?

While Al-Fatihah marks the beginning, Surah An-Nas (The People) serves as the concluding chapter of the Quran. Unlike Al-Fatihah, it’s only three verses long but carries weighty themes.

Seeking Refuge and Guidance: These verses implore us to seek refuge in Allah from all forms of evil, both seen and unseen. They remind us of our vulnerability and dependence on His protection.

Symbolic Closure: An-Nas emphasizes the ongoing need for divine guidance throughout our lives. It leaves us with a sense of hope and reassurance, reminding us that Allah’s protection encompasses all.

Together, Al-Fatihah and An-Nas create a powerful framework for the Quran’s message. While the content between them offers diverse themes, these opening and closing chapters establish the core message of seeking guidance, submitting to Allah, and relying on His mercy.

What is the Longest Surah in the Quran?

Standing tall as the champion of length, Surah Al-Baqarah (The Cow) occupies the second position in the Quran. Its 286 verses delve into a vast array of topics, making it the most extensive chapter.

How Many Pages is Surah Baqarah?

The exact number of pages for Surah Al-Baqarah depends on the specific Quran edition and font size. However, it typically spans around 20-25 pages. Its length might seem intimidating at first, but remember, it’s packed with valuable insights and knowledge.

How Many Verses in Surah Baqarah?

As we mentioned earlier, Surah Al-Baqarah contains 286 verses, making it the most verse-rich chapter in the Quran. This abundance of verses allows for in-depth discussions and detailed explanations of various topics.

What is the Shortest Surah in the Quran?

In stark contrast to Al-Baqarah’s grandeur, Surah Al-Kawthar (Abundance) holds the title of the shortest chapter with only 3 verses. However, brevity doesn’t diminish its power and significance.


So, how many surah in Quran? Now you know it’s 114, each holding a unique message waiting to be explored. But the true treasure lies beyond just numbers.

This journey has offered a glimpse into the fascinating world of the Quran’s chapters. We’ve discovered their significance, their historical context, and the wisdom they offer for our lives.

But this is just the first page! Remember, the Quran is a book of continuous discovery. Each surah holds layers of meaning waiting to be unraveled.

Ready to embark on your own personal exploration? Alustadh Academy welcomes you with open arms!